Meet Tim Horbury -Director of Franchise Ready SA

1. Why did you join the Franchise Ready network?

Owning a franchise business can be both rewarding and terrorising, I bought my first franchise in 2019 prior to relocating back to Adelaide after 12 years working in the sector in Sydney. My first franchise was bought with the knowledge that franchising was a great way to do business, providing structure, methods, and a community of like-minded business owners in that system. While trying to get the business going in 2020 I would often get asked about helping with franchising by business owners and people who wanted to refer work to me. I met Doug while living in Sydney (we discovered we lived in the same area and frequented the only coffee shop in that suburb!), and so I asked Doug if he would be willing to allow me the use of the Franchise Ready tools he and the team had developed. It leads to a very interesting and rewarding outcome.

2. What is your best piece of advice for business owners curious about franchising?

I hear this question often asked of experienced franchisors in the various events I attend, and it is a really simple answer, ask lots of questions. Seek the advice of a reputable experienced franchise expert. Often accountants and lawyers spring to mind, however, while they are qualified in their field franchising is a unique and sometimes complex business method so seek out that industry expertise. Lastly ask a franchisor who has been around the block a few times, I heard one recently say, “if you are passionate about what you do, then do that. But be prepared to work hard and expect failures along the way. If it was easy everyone would be doing it!”

3. Describe your work style.

I am methodical, planned and strategic. My focus with business owners is to start with their vision and understand what they want their idea to become. I enjoy working with teams and believe that all good businesses are founded on good people. I enjoy being around people and believe it goes beyond just work focus as I am from a large family. I hold myself to account and enjoy being challenged probably known for being a little competitive if the incentive fits with my ethos.

4. Any secret talents?

I enjoy sport and humour, telling stories and using analogies particularly when they are great life lessons and provide both solace and reflection.

5. Your favourite coffee spot in Adelaide.

I have many as most of my interactions with people I serve is either done at locations littered across Adelaide, however I have discovered a little business on Richmond Road Marleston – E10 Espresso, it has been operating for 27 years. So they are not new to the coffee culture, very content with a small outlet with lots of loyal customers, and really know coffee.

6. South Australia’s best kept secret is….

Wow, this one is big, most industry sectors I have worked in all use Adelaide as a test market, the saying “if it works in Adelaide, it can work anywhere in Australia” comes to mind. Having lived and worked in the biggest cities in Australia (all but Hobart), It is a lifestyle with a lot to offer, the people are warm, generous and have a service mindset. Also being close to 4 winery districts helps, the beach is 1 kilometre, a lot of restaurant precincts with high quality food, a city but has a regional/ country feel. It has everything to offer of the big cities just an easier lifestyle.

7. How would your clients describe you in 3 words?

Generous, caring and reliable.

Want to get in touch with Tim or the Franchise Ready team to learn more about how to scale and grow your business through franchising? Call Tim directly on 0457977176 or email [email protected]

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