Meet Tracy Eaton -Director of Franchise Ready WA

1. Why did you join the Franchise Ready network?  I met Doug over 30 years ago during my McDonald’s career. I travelled to Sydney regularly to facilitate and present at McDonald’s top training course, of which Doug was also a trainer. Since then, I’ve been a business consultant and trainer across many industries, and worked […]

People always need to eat, so a Food franchise has to be good, Right?

People think food businesses look easy. After all, we all eat, and lots of us cook food, so it shouldn’t be that hard. They look like businesses that practically anyone can operate and make massive amounts of money in. After all, everybody eats and drinks, right? How hard can it be to operate one of […]


Business Ownership versus Self-employment “Every business owner is self-employed, but not every self-employed person is a business owner.” —Doug Downer Around 16% of the world’s eligible working population get into business ownership, and they do this for several reasons: it may be to be their own boss, to take control of their life and future, […]


Have you got the guts? “I never get the accountants in before I start up a business. It’s done on gut feeling.” —Richard Branson I remember attending a sales training session where the facilitator posed the question, ‘Do we, as human beings, desire pleasure or the avoidance of pain?’ Having not heard that before, I […]

These Are the Musts for the Franchise that You’re Considering Getting into

Top 10 Traits of Successful Franchisors A proven business modelThe business needs to deliver a fair ROI that is as competitive or more competitive than othercomparable franchise opportunities. The business needs to have traded and demonstratedsuccess, ideally across multiple locations.The size of the network or the age of the business does provide a longer history […]

Find, Keep and Grow the right customer

Marketing and Sales “Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feelsmart”.– Joe Chernov. One of my clients has built a $10 million dollar business in just over 2 years with a marketing budgetof just $200 a week, and next year their business will turnover of more than $20 million dollars. […]


All Things Financial “Beware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship”.—Benjamin Franklin Setting up to be a successful business is no easy feat. It requires guts, hard work, and a goodsystem, particularly when it comes to financial management. Running a successful businessmeans that you now have even more responsibilities on your […]

The Importance of the Business Model and Systems

“Build systems within each business function, let Systems run the businessand people run the systems. People come and go but the systems remainconstant.”— Michael Gerber The Importance of the Business Model and Systems What came first, the chicken or the egg? Some may argue that a business needs to articulate thebusiness model first, and then […]


“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get”.—Warren Buffett People talk about value all the time but what does it really mean and what does it mean in Business?There is a difference between value and values; both are important in business, but we should always start withour values in order to create value. […]


The 2020’s saw a significant change in the way we live and the way we do business and it got me thinking about how this has impacted franchising. The phrase 20:20 hindsight is relevant to the new world we are experiencing. This expression comes from the way people describe good vision. A person with normal, […]